InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyMary GallagherMy First Pickleball LessonIt seems you can teach an old(er) dog new tricksOct 29, 20244Oct 29, 20244
InWord GardenbyMary GallagherWhen You Go to a Hippie Dance, but the DJ Didn’t Get the MemoIt’s healthy to adopt a go-with-the-flow attitudeOct 3, 20243Oct 3, 20243
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyMary GallagherDrama in a 55+ Community is Like a Seinfeld EpisodeNavigating life in a retirement community and tips on how NOT to grow oldMar 21, 20247Mar 21, 20247
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyMary GallagherThe Decluttered NestMaking more room for what matters in the second act of lifeJun 20, 20244Jun 20, 20244
InModern WomenbyMary GallagherDo You Have the Courage to Be Rich?Simple financial advice every woman should hearJun 23, 20247Jun 23, 20247
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyMary GallagherDo I Have the Courage to Retire Early?Unemployment, disability, and the uncertainties of life have me redesigning my retirement plansJun 24, 202416Jun 24, 202416
InRead or Die!byMary GallagherIt's Taken Me 40 Years to Say My Husband Is My Best FriendIs there hope for a marriage based on passion but lacking in communication? Apr 21, 202411Apr 21, 202411
InWord GardenbyMary GallagherDefeat the Inner Critic, Let Go of Shame, and Embrace Self-LoveThis is what my inner critic looked like, and this is how I got rid of herMar 1, 20243Mar 1, 20243
InMiddle-PausebyMary GallagherPanty Purge: Kicking Fat Underwear to the CurbRedefining self-worth and letting go of the oldFeb 26, 20245Feb 26, 20245
InMiddle-PausebyMary GallagherNo One Told Me That Peri-Menopause Would Be Worse Than MenopauseNavigating the perils of peri-menopauseJul 30, 20233Jul 30, 20233
InKoinoniabyMary Gallagher50+ Years of Clarity and InsightGolden nuggets, pearls of wisdom, or crazy ramblings…I’ll let you decideApr 26, 20239Apr 26, 20239
InILLUMINATIONbyMary GallagherMy New Job as a Customer Success Manager — the Hottest Job in the Tech Industry Right NowPreparing yourself for your next career moveMar 8, 20234Mar 8, 20234
InILLUMINATIONbyMary GallagherA Decluttering Guide for Sensitive PeopleWhen it’s hard to let go…Dec 9, 202219Dec 9, 202219
InMiddle-PausebyMary Gallagher10 Things to Leave Behind As You Enter the New YearThe new year is not the time to add things to your life — it’s the time to let things goJan 4, 20237Jan 4, 20237
InPublishousbyMary GallagherI’m Really Tired of Women Who Sabotage Other Women in the WorkplaceHurting others won’t enhance your career because your reputation will catch up to youNov 26, 202211Nov 26, 202211
InMiddle-PausebyMary GallagherDon’t Make Life Easier as You Age, Make it HarderDo our bodies wear out or do they rust out?Nov 2, 20225Nov 2, 20225
InKoinoniabyMary GallagherThe Right Place at the Right Time, Doing the Right ThingFinding God’s good and perfect will may not be as hard as we thinkOct 19, 20225Oct 19, 20225
InNexus GenerationbyMary GallagherThings You and I No Longer Have Time ForLeaving Shame, Regret, and Fear BehindApr 21, 20193Apr 21, 20193
InThe Decluttered SoulbyMary GallagherLegacies Take Time to BakeThe Simple Things That Create a Mother’s LegacyMay 12, 2019May 12, 2019
InThe Decluttered SoulbyMary GallagherYour Happiness is Directly Linked to Living an Authentic Version of YourselfIf you don’t know who you are, how do you expect others to know and love you?May 13, 2019May 13, 2019